10 Benefits of Scrum

What are the Benefits of Scrum?

Scrum project management is extremely popular. From its origins in software development, its popularity has spread like wildfire.

Today, it’s used in almost every sector of business and industry.

Let’s take a look at 10 of the key benefits associated with adopting a Scrum approach to managing your projects.

10 Benefits of Scrum Project Management

1. Flexibility

Scrum is a project management methodology designed to respond easily and positively to change.

With conventional project management methods and management courses, changing requirements can be a nightmare to handle. The opposite is true with approaches like Scrum and its parent methodology, Agile. They are designed to be responsive at all stages in a project’s life cycle.

2. Versatility

Scrum began in the software industry, but its principles and processes can be applied almost anywhere. Likewise, it can be used to manage small and large projects.

3. Fast & Frequent Value

In a Scrum project, value is delivered to the stakeholders (often customers) early on and throughout the project’s lifecycle.

4. Clear Team Roles

In a Scrum Team, everyone understands their role and what responsibilities this entails. This is an excellent safeguard – nothing gets missed.

It also creates a tightly-knit, high-performing team. Each member trusts that the others will carry out their roles and communicate if any assistance is required.

5. Transparency

Transparency is one of the 3 Pillars of Scrum, the foundational principles upon which the rest of Scrum is built.

Different elements within a Scrum Sprint (project cycle) help to uphold this pillar. The Scrum Board displays ongoing tasks and their progress, the Daily Standup Meeting provides an opportunity to flag any obstacles, and the Sprint Planning and Review clearly outline the priorities and achievements of the Sprint respectively.

6. Improved Collaboration

The Scrum Board and Daily Standup Meeting also serve as a platform for sharing ideas and solutions.

Scrum affords and encourages improved communication and collaboration.

7. Happier Stakeholders

Improved communication also extends to all project stakeholders. The Scrum Product Owner (often referred to as the project’s “key stakeholder”) is in continuous communication with the client or customer. They act as the voice of the customer within the Scrum Team.

With a more frequent level of communication, strong representation, and frequent value delivery, Scrum project stakeholders tend to be quite satisfied overall.

8. Continuous Learning and Improvement

A Sprint Retrospective takes place at the end of each Sprint. This is a dedicated time for the team to look back on the closing Sprint to assess its strengths and weaknesses.

This learning opportunity can yield some valuable knowledge the team takes into future Sprints to help them work smarter.

9. Lower Risk

The combined elements that make Scrum more communicative, flexible, and productive make it a lower risk project

10. Sustainable Pace

When implemented correctly, Scrum is indefinitely sustainable. This makes it easier to plan for a steadier delivery of value and results.

Achieve Scrum Skills

Getting started with Scrum is an easier process than you might imagine. There are many routes to getting trained and certified. Here’s our streamlined and focused online training options:

Online Scrum Training & Certification

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